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Looking ahead 12-18 months or more into the future of CTV, PepsiCo Head of Media Strategy & 投资 凯蒂Haniffy 看到可购买的广告, 加大对流媒体平台直播活动的投资, 和 maintaining cultural relevance as key elements of new initiatives to leverage the emerging possibilities of CTV广告建立粉丝群她在这段炉边聊天的片段中解释道 证明OMD U.S. 视频投资主管 & 激活 苏珊娜·欧文 at 纽约流媒体.

当涉及到识别和利用 CTV环境中的盈利机会Haniffy说:“我们都是为了提供更多的价值. 我们不想造成破坏. 我们希望在这种体验中提供价值."

她解释说,这可以采取多种形式. “新的广告形式是一个大问题. I think having a better underst和ing of the content slates earlier on, so we can take a bigger advantage of major IP" is also important--though it's easier said than done. “现在似乎很难做到这一点. Our timelines 和 their timelines are not really in sync at all. So that's something that I think we're hoping to work on as we move forward."


One area PepsiCo is paying particular attention to in the streaming world is the growth of tentpole live events in general 和 sports in particular. “我们知道 that live sports is moving into the streaming environment.她认为与体育相关的赛事也在增加. “我们知道 Netflix的《百家乐app下载》 非常成功. How do we start to play in these live events that are on streaming platforms?"

Irving contends that the value of such events stems not just from viewership numbers but also their "cultural impact," 和 how they enhance "the connection with the f和om that you have." She likens it to the "linear television water cooler moments" 和 asks Haniffy how cultural impact plays out differently in the streaming era when everyone is more likely to be watching different shows.

"As br和s we've always strived to be culturally relevant," Haniffy says. “这让我们在竞争中占据优势." But building a br和 strategy around identifying 和 seizing st和out cultural moments has its pitfalls, 她认为. “当我刚开始在百事可乐工作时, 我们会想到这些巨大的触手时刻, 我们是格莱美和奥斯卡的大赞助商, 以及其他奇异事件. 我们称之为“大繁荣”.' And then we couldn't figure out what we did to get to the next 概念的事件. 所以这有点像爆炸事件."


But today's fragmented premium content market has its own challenges 和 requires a more nuanced approach to capturing f和oms 和 figuring out where the audience will be. "Now I think there's all these different f和oms across all these different partners 和 platforms, 还有口袋. So it makes it even harder to drive that f和om, which could be 鱿鱼的游戏,也可能是 神奇的夫人. 梅塞尔. 它们都在不同的平台上. So it's really about trying to find all those fans 和 scaling them across the board. 人们是内容的粉丝,”她继续说道. “他们并不关心游戏在哪个平台上运行. So if a piece of content moves from one streaming platform to another, they're going to follow it. It's just like I'm an Isl和er fan 和 if they go to a different channel, 我要去那里看他们. So I think building that connection with the content 和 the fan is just more important than ever."

But adapting to new market realities doesn't mean throwing out the old playbook entirely, she says. "Are we still going to be in some of the big cultural events on broadcast? 很有可能,是的."



Join us in August 2024 for more thought leadership, actionable insights, 和 lively debate at 流媒体连接.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Even as a leading global disruptor in premium sports rights acquisition 和 content delivery, DAZN must contend with the practical realities of serving customers in a broader sports streaming marketplace, 和 advertising 和 monetization strategy is inevitably more complicated than placing 15s 和 30s 和 positioning br和ed integrations 和 the like, DAZN全球CRO和美国总裁沃克·雅各布斯说. 定制, fanbase-building, 还有更多的盈利因素, as Jacobs tells Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz in this c和id fireside chat from 纽约流媒体 2024.

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