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最近我完成了我的第一次LinkedIn Live体验, 我不得不谦虚地说, that it went pretty well, but only because I tested three trial events before I finally went live (and did three more after to figure out what happened and why and write this article). In this tutorial, 我分享了一些经验教训, 加上一个建议的工作流程, 纠正人们对LinkedIn Live和Riverside的一些常见误解.这是我用来访问LinkedIn Live的工具. 此外,我还添加了一些LinkedIn和Riverside可以采纳或忽略的建议.

如果你坚持到最后,你就会明白为什么开始你的人生如此困难 LinkedIn Live event smoothly (it’s not your fault) and some thoughts on how to start like a pro in the future.

你可以从大多数工具和平台流式传输到LinkedIn Live

First, the misimpressions: Most YouTube videos I watched stated that you had to use a supported platform to access LinkedIn Live. This isn’t the case; you can stream to LinkedIn live from any service or tool that supports RTMP, 哪一个应该是全部. LinkedIn doesn’t make it easy or clear, but it’s simple once you know what’s going on. I detail this below.

Riverside.fm不完全支持LinkedIn Live

Riverside.fm 是我记录面试的工具吗, 但我从未尝试过通过该服务制作直播. Like many services, 它允许你选择LinkedIn作为目的地并登录你的LinkedIn账户. 但是你不能通过这个连接访问LinkedIn上之前安排的活动. So, if you’re trying to figure out how to access a live event you had scheduled previously like I was, you can’t. And, of course, Riverside的文档并没有告诉您必须使用RTMP, and the existence of the LinkedIn link doesn’t suggest that it’s not wholly functional.

如果你使用LinkedIn支持的服务(Restream, Socialive, StreamYard, Switcher Studio或Vimeo),你可以通过这些服务访问LinkedIn上设置的活动. You can even set up events on LinkedIn from these services (from what I’ve seen in the YouTube demos I’ve seen). 你不能在河滨做这两件事.fm的“LinkedIn支持”,这就是为什么它如此令人困惑(Figure 1).

riverside.fm linkedin live

Figure 1. Riverside.fm lets you choose LinkedIn as a destination but falls way short compared to other services.

Note to Riverside.fm: R删除LinkedIn链接,直到你提供的功能与其他服务类似.

There is a workaround. 您可以使用Custom RTMP连接来访问事件. 但这也令人困惑,主要是在领英方面. Specifically, LinkedIn doesn’t make the stream URL and stream key available until an hour before the event and doesn’t tell you anything about connecting to LinkedIn Live on the Event page where you set up the stream and where you would expect this information to live.

甚至在管理流页面(我不知道它的存在), it doesn’t tell you that the URL and key won’t be available until an hour (really ten minutes) before the event. So, if it’s your first event, 直到活动开始前一个小时,你才会明白这一点, which is way too late.

OK, rant over. I’ll assume you care more about successfully creating a LinkedIn Live event than what I went through to figure it out. 您可以使用此过程连接任何支持RTMP的服务或产品, not just Riverside.fm.


  1. Create the event. 人们可以在LinkedIn创建的页面上注册并查看活动, 我将其命名为Event页面.
  2. Go to the Manage Streams page. 活动前一小时, 你可以点击准备直播按钮来访问流URL和密钥. But, 原因如下, 您希望在尽可能接近活动开始的时候进行此操作.
  3. Clicking Prepare to go live takes you to the Setup Your Stream/Preview page (I’ll call this the Preview page). This page provides the Stream URL and Key and previews the audio and video stream once you’ve started it in your service or product.
  4. 将流URL和关键字粘贴到您的服务或产品中.
  5. 点击上线(在Riverside).Fm)或在你用来制作流的任何应用程序中等效. 这会将流发送到预览页,但不会发送到事件页.
  6. 大约在你的活动开始前十分钟, 如果你的视频被接收, 预览页面将启用Go Live按钮. 点击此按钮将视频发送到您的事件页面并进行事件直播.
  7. During the event, 你需要打开四个窗口, 如果你正在制作和演讲,或者在多个流媒体上传播,所有这些都在你的屏幕上. Specifically:
    • You’ll want the Event page open to respond to comments and ensure the video is playing.
    • 您将需要监视编码器,尽管其他页面可以隐藏此功能. 对我来说,这意味着翻开了河滨的一页.fm.
    • You’ll need your presentation accessible (if applicable) to move through the content and advance those pages. 对我来说,这就是ppt.
    • 您将希望预览页可访问,因为这是您停止流的地方.
  1. 要结束事件,请单击“预览”窗口中的“结束流”. If you simply stop transmitting, LinkedIn will display a black screen in the Event page video window.

这就是简洁的TL/DR版本. 这是一个健谈、信息丰富的版本.

Create the Event


  1. Click the LinkedIn icon on the upper left of the LinkedIn page to access your Home screen.
  2. 向下滚动到Events,然后单击+按钮,这将打开Create an event对话框.
  3. Complete the form. 确保在“事件”格式字段中选择“LinkedIn Live”. If this isn’t an option, you may not have rights to produce a live event; see Figure 2.

live event linkedin

Figure 2. 在LinkedIn中创建实时事件

LinkedIn创建了“事件”页面,你可以通过这个页面来营销你的事件, 你的观众也会观看(Figure 3).

linkedin events page

Figure 3. “事件”页面是您将营销您的事件的地方,观众将观看它

给LinkedIn的提示:考虑添加 本页上的一个按钮或其他链接, 只能由页面所有者查看, 它连接到管理流页面并说, 点击这里访问流信息和证书,并进入直播.”

Managing Your Stream

接下来的步骤发生在LinkedIn Live的管理流页面上.

  1. 转到管理流页面(com/video/golive/manage) Figure 4. 在你的活动开始前一小时, the Prepare to go live button will activate and turn blue (it will be grayed out before then).


Figure 4. LinkedIn Live管理流页面(点击图片查看全分辨率)

  1. Click the Prepare to go live button to open the Preview page to get your stream credentials, preview the live stream, go live to the Event page, and stop the stream.

注意图4顶部的红色消息. It seems that if you connect to the Preview page and preview the stream for longer than ten minutes, LinkedIn将终止该流. 这可能发生在我的一次测试中——我知道流下降了, 但我不完全确定原因. Either way, I didn’t connect and go live for my real production until 5 minutes before the scheduled time to avoid LinkedIn terminating the stream.

  1. 点击准备上线进入预览页.
  2. On the bottom right, click the Region drop-down list and choose the appropriate region. I used Northeast.
  3. 然后单击Get URL, LinkedIn将提供流URL和流密钥,如下所示 Figure 5.
  4. 将流URL和流密钥粘贴到编码器中(Figure 6).


Figure 5. 预览页面,您可以在其中获取流URL和密钥

linkedin live

Figure 6. 在你的产品或服务中粘贴流键和URL.

In Riverside.fm, ignore the LinkedIn button and use the Custom RTMP button (see Figure 1) to paste in this information, which should look the same in any RTMP-capable product (like Wirecast or OBS) or service.


传输步长因工具或服务的不同而不同. With Riverside.fm, click Go Live. Riverside.fm将开始流式传输到LinkedIn,并像往常一样记录事件.

Once you go live, the stream will be sent to the Preview page but not to the Event page where your viewers are waiting. 您可以看到下面的预览页面 Figure 7. 你可以播放音频和观看视频. 在窗户的底部, 您将看到流运行状况选项卡,可用于检查连接.

如果你离预定的活动还有十分钟, 右上方的Go Live按钮变为活动状态, 点击这个,将视频发送到事件页面. 如果你不在十分钟内, 我已经提过好几次了, the stream may terminate unexpectedly – you see the warning in red text above Figure 7. 如果你失去了连接, 流URL和密钥更改, 所以你必须再经历一遍这个过程. 最好连接到服务,并在非常接近计划启动的时间上线.

linkedin live preview

Figure 7. LinkedIn在预览页面播放传入流,准备上线.

Click Go Live

I recommend running one or two tests before the event in a separate event to check audio/video and connection. Of course, if you run tests, they will all be live, 所以你的领英粉丝会在下班后看到你的测试. For some reason, in my case, 视频似乎没有被删除, 这样我的测试就可以留给子孙后代了.

Note to LinkedIn: Extend the preview window beyond ten minutes so event coordinators can test and debug the stream they will use. 考虑启用一个只有生产者可以看到的私有测试事件. YouTube和Facebook都有这个功能. Trust me, none of my followers want to see me fumbling with live-streaming controls in my workout gear. 请允许我删掉这些练习视频.

As shown in the upper right of Figure 7, clicking Go Live will start the stream on the Events page. See the “确定你的LinkedIn Live活动的开始” section to learn how to start streaming smoothly.

Don’t close the Preview window; this is where you stop the stream once you’re done.

Keep the Windows Open


  • You’ll want the Event page open to respond to comments and ensure the video is playing.
  • 您将需要监视编码器,尽管其他页面可以隐藏此功能.
  • You’ll need your presentation accessible (if applicable) to move through the content and advance those pages.
  • 您将希望预览页可访问,因为这是您停止流的地方.

要停止事件,请单击“预览”窗口(Figure 8).

end stream linkedin live

Figure 8. 单击“结束流”关闭流.

如果您只是停止从捕获应用程序或服务传输, LinkedIn将继续播放黑屏, 这就是发生在我身上的事情,直到一个乐于助人的看守者提醒我停止播放. 幸运的是,您可以在事件发生后在视频编辑器中轻松地将其编辑出来.

Boom, you’re done. It’s that easy.

确定你的LinkedIn Live活动的开始

这里有一些关于优雅地开始你的LinkedIn Live活动的最后注意事项. When you press the Go Live button to send the stream from your Preview page to your Event page, 大家都期待节目会在那时开始. “Hi, I’m Jan Ozer, 感谢收看……”应该是观众看到的第一句话, 就在流开始后一两秒钟.

当我回到现场的时候, I noticed that the first 20 seconds of the stream showed me performing an audio check on (what I thought was) the Preview page. 这并不是我一直期待的顺利开始.

To understand why, I performed another test using the timer on my iPhone to track the latency between when I pressed Go Live and when the stream started in the Event page. You see the results in Figure 9, 左侧的“事件”页, 右边是我按下Go Live时的截图, 也就是计时器到一点的时候.

linkedin live cut

Figure 9. LinkedIn Live在我按下Go Live键前17秒多才切换到直播.

我花了大约5秒钟到达事件页面, 当时我iPhone上的时间码是49:26. For a moment, I thought I was in the Twilight Zone; how could LinkedIn Live start the stream before I pressed Go Live?

最明显的答案是流延迟, 或者现场发生的事情和LinkedIn live显示的内容之间的差异, 大概是30-40秒. LinkedIn的系统中有30-40秒的视频. 当我点击Go Live(“嗨, I’m Jan Ozer”), 它只是立即切换并开始在内部缓存中显示视频. That’s why viewers of my live event saw me checking sound 30 seconds before I pressed Go Live. 这就引出了我对LinkedIn的最后一个建议.

Note to LinkedIn: 当我按下Go Live时,在Event页面上启动流,而不是之前.

在LinkedIn解决这个问题之前,我该如何处理这个问题? I’ll wait 15 seconds, staring dumbly at the webcam to make sure nothing is showing in the cache that I don’t want the viewers to see. Then, I’ll cross my fingers like I do before any live event, press Go Live, and start talking.

Other than all this, Mrs. 林肯,戏剧怎么样? Riverside.FM很好地管理了直播, 并以正常的高质量记录事件, 如果我决定这样做,就很容易改变目标. LinkedIn Live曾经被证明是一个与我的听众交流的绝佳平台, during, and after the event.


(作者注:请注意,这两个河畔.fm和LinkedIn对我的帮助请求做出了回应,我非常感激. 如果我在这篇文章中有任何错误,请LMK和我将纠正.)

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