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Q&A: Wurl’s Ria马德里 Discusses Br和Discovery's Groundbreaking Generative AI for CTV Ads


Ria马德里, Vice President, Advertising Partnerships at Wurl,探讨了 Br和Discovery, 他们的新技术使营销人员能够精确地将CTV广告与观众正在观看的情感和背景相匹配,以创造积极的关注, 使用 普鲁契克的情绪之轮. 合作伙伴一样 媒体.僧侣 are already driving impressive results for their clients through Wurl's solution, 哪一个使用场景级上下文定位来帮助广告商将广告活动创意的情感情绪与最接近广告时段的内容结合起来.

泰勒Nesler: What are the core features 和 benefits of Wurl’s Br和Discovery, 以及这些功能如何突破极限,为电视广告商创造新的参与度和转化率?

Ria马德里: Br和Discovery分析广告插播前的内容,这样广告商就有能力定位与情境相关的时刻,最能引起观众的共鸣——这是他们在直播环境中从未有过的精准度.

Br和Discovery的定位工作有两个明显的好处:1)它是实时处理的,2)它发生在场景层面. Both of these advantages give advertisers precise control to better align their ads with content, leading to positive viewer attention 和 stronger performance.

Another unique feature of Br和Discovery is the ability to target based on emotions. 研究表明,情感上与周围内容一致的广告可以产生2-3倍的效果. 最终, 这种方法为各方创造了一个更有利的广告生态系统——观众可以获得更个性化的广告体验, 广告商获得更高的ROAS, 和 publishers amplify their monetization potential.

TN: What are the current key issues with CTV ad supply concerning contextual targeting, 和 how does Wurl’s Br和Discovery work to mitigate these issues?

RM: 今天的发行商和ssp(供应方平台)在一个过度拥挤和竞争激烈的市场中运营. 虽然在从传统电视观看转向流媒体的刺激下,广告支出稳步向CTV转移,但资金并没有像预期的那样大量涌入.

Advertisers face real concerns around transparency 和 control when it comes to CTV advertising. 为一个, 目前针对CTV的情境定位方法存在不足:广泛的基于类型的定位是不一致的,并且可能忽略情节的细微差别, 导致品牌适宜性问题. Think of a typical show that has both tear-jerking 和 laugh-out-loud moments – an overly upbeat, happy ad appearing right after a tragic scene would be a complete mismatch, 这会给观众带来不和谐的体验,最终导致负面的品牌关注.

这些都是Br和Discovery正在努力通过场景级情感定位来缓解的问题. 为广告客户, Br和Discovery能够帮助他们更准确地将广告与情感共鸣的内容结合起来,这意味着这些广告更有可能出现在适合品牌的环境中,并吸引观众的积极关注. 针对出版商和ssp, 提供更有效的目标定位策略和情境相关广告的能力是在拥挤的空间中脱颖而出的关键.

TN: One of the primary features of Wurl’s Br和Discovery is Content Alignment, 在情境和情感上,通过生成式人工智能将广告与周围内容对齐,以创造积极的关注, 用普鲁契克的情绪之轮. 你能讨论一下Br和Discovery的大型语言模型(LLM)是如何使用Plutchik的情绪之轮的吗? 这个模型主要是根据Wheel对一般情绪反应的具体分类方法训练的吗?

RM: Br和Discovery uses Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions to score 和 classify content. Plutchik’s model includes eight primary emotions at three different intensity levels: high, 媒介, 和低. 这些情绪和强度的串联提供了一个完整的可能的人类情绪状态.

内容的情感以1到10的等级进行评分,并根据Wurl的算法进行加权. Once Br和Discovery’s model determines the “emotional score” for a scene, it is then matched to an ad with a similar emotional score.

TN:沃尔的合作伙伴媒体公司.僧侣 used Br和Discovery to target CTV inventory that matched the emotional tone of their ads, which was an approach that out-performed their other campaign strategies. Could you discuss how Wurl’s Content Alignment helped the 媒体.僧侣运动 to excel compared to industry benchmarks?

RM: 媒体.僧侣 had a financial services client looking to exp和 their audience, 提高品牌知名度, 提高购买意愿. While the team initially had an ideal customer profile in mind, 他们愿意尝试创新策略,为客户带来更好的业绩, 这就是Br和Discovery的用武之地.

通过品牌发现,媒体.僧侣 leveraged emotion-based targeting to run CTV ads across Wurl’s premium content publishers. By targeting inventory that matched the emotional tone of their client’s ads, 媒体.僧侣 drove increased br和 awareness 和 purchase intent, while also cutting their client’s cost per engagement in half. 最终, the client saw a 7x increase in aided br和 awareness, 品牌好感度提高4倍, 与Lending品牌影响研究的5年行业基准相比,购买意愿提升了2倍.

TN: Br和Discovery worked with the independent measurement partners 江户坎塔尔 提供媒体.僧侣 with full visibility into their campaign performance. 这些研究的一些核心方法是什么?哪些积极的发现证实了媒体的积极表现.僧侣运动?

RM: 媒体的核心方法论.僧侣运动 involved applying emotion-based targeting in order to enhance viewer engagement. By matching their client’s ads to the content directly preceding it, 媒体.蒙克斯能够达到情感上的共鸣,使广告插播感觉更像是节目的自然延续,而不是烦人的中断.

Wurl与江户和坎塔尔合作,为媒体提供Br和Discovery结果的第三方测量和验证.僧侣运动. 这让媒体.僧侣 和 their client full visibility into campaign performance. 凯度的研究揭示了这一点, 与对照组相比, 基于情感的目标定位与基于类型的目标定位相结合,显著提高了33%的品牌知名度和28%的品牌好感度. 与此同时, 江户的分析, which was conducted across 12 million delivered impressions, 与视频片段的情感相匹配的广告在推动关键字搜索和网站访问量方面的效率提高了200%.

TN:最终, how do you think GenAI might fundamentally transform the approach to CTV advertising, 这将如何改变用户体验,提高用户粘性和活动表现?

RM: GenAI is introducing new ways to analyze, categorize, 和 target across streaming TV – at scale. In a world where the market is only growing more crowded 和 complex, 利用GenAI提供的创新工具的能力可以成为今天的发行商吸引更多广告商的关键价值驱动因素,同时保持高质量的观众体验.

在一天结束的时候, for advertisers to make the leap 和 invest more in CTV, they need to feel confident that it can truly drive value for their br和. With GenAI-based emotion targeting, we’re excited about being a part of this shift. Proving CTV advertising to be a highly targetable, 可衡量的, 和 performance-based channel will be a game changer with the introduction of GenAI.

Ria马德里 is Vice President, Advertising Partnerships at Wurl, a leader in the Connected TV industry. 在她的角色中, Ria is responsible for company strategy 和 growth across Wurl’s ad revenue 业务, 监督业务发展, 客户端成功, 和 programmatic activation across both publisher 和 strategic advertiser partnerships. 在加入Wurl之前, Ria served on Xumo’s original executive team as Vice President of 媒体 Strategy 和 Operations. 在那里, 她的工作主要集中在培养和优化流媒体平台的内容公司和原始设备制造商(oem)之间的广告合作伙伴关系。. Ria负责各种收入计划的战略和执行,导致了2020年康卡斯特备受瞩目的收购. A true California native, Ria loves being active outdoors 和 soaking up the sun. 当她不去追两个儿子的时候, 她喜欢普拉提, 徒步旅行, 露台上用餐, 在海滩上消磨时光.

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