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FxFactory Debuts CineFlare CineText Plug-In for FCP X

CineText带有20种不同的定制动画标题, 每个都有自己的快速选择下拉菜单,方便在六个不同的屏幕位置之间进行选择
Featured News, Posted 22 Jan 2014

Feeding the Beast, Part 2: Production Workflow

The next key element of feeding the beast and maintaining high-volume video output is workflow; the choices that you make for your workflow are important for everything that you do, from studio space to production, post, syndication, and archiving.
Featured Articles, Posted 21 Jan 2014

Review: HP Z27i 27-inch IPS Display

HP's new, lightweight, 全功率27英寸显示器适合多种工作流程,其可调, detachable base and varied connectivity options.
Featured Articles, Posted 20 Jan 2014


视频出版商通常很难满足观众的需求,他们期望每天都有新鲜的内容, and advertisers who want lots of inventory. 本文解释了两人制作团队如何生成800-1,为一个领先的投资者网站提供每年000个新视频.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Jan 2014

Video Tutorial: New Features in Adobe Media Encoder CC

本视频教程演示了如何使用和利用Adobe Media Encoder CC中的3个关键新功能:Lumetri Looks支持, and image, text, and timecode overlay.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Jan 2014

CoreMelt和Imagineer介绍TrackX相机跟踪工具的FCP X

TrackX由mocha提供动力,让FCP X编辑器轻松跟踪和替换视频中的对象, such as an image on a cell phone, TV screen or sign, as well as add graphics and text, including lower-thirds, to follow objects in motion
Featured News, Posted 15 Jan 2014


Movie Studio 13 Platinum为用户提供了一个简化的工作流程, touch-enabled editing, 4K (ultra HD) file support, and a wide range of video and audio effects
Featured News, Posted 15 Jan 2014

Review: proDAD ReSpeedr

proDad的最新版本是一个名为ReSpeedr的独立应用程序, 该公司称其为“终极超级慢动作” & Time-Lapse Video Producer"; here we check out ReSpeedr's usability and test its image quality compared to that available natively in an NLE on moderately and extremely slowed-down clips.
Featured Articles, Posted 14 Jan 2014

First Look: HP Z1 G2 All-in-One Workstation

Featured Articles, Posted 09 Jan 2014

Panasonic Debuts BT-4LH310 31" 4K Monitor

4LH310的主要应用包括在视频村中用于4K摄像机和图形设备的实时观看, as well as of 4K or HD dailies
Featured News, Posted 08 Jan 2014

新的固件更新声音设备PIX 260i生产录像机简化生产工作流程

Sound Devices PIX 260i录音机在制作和后期制作环境中无缝地取代基于磁带的视频平台, 同时还提供32个音轨的录音和回放
Featured News, Posted 08 Jan 2014


Featured News, Posted 08 Jan 2014

教程:使用Adobe Premiere Pro的轨道哑光效果将效果应用到图像的一部分

本教程演示了如何将效果应用于视频图像的一部分,同时保持剪辑的其余部分不变, 以及如何在整个剪辑过程中跟踪图像的这一部分, using the Track Matte effect in Adobe Premiere Pro CC.
Featured Articles, Posted 26 Dec 2013

CalDigit to Ship T3 Thunderbolt RAID on January 6

从一开始就考虑到专业用户, CalDigit T3提供性能和多功能性,以满足基于thunderbolt的工作流程的需求
Featured News, Posted 21 Dec 2013

New Adobe Creative Cloud Enhancements Arrive

Adobe rolls out new updates to Adobe Premiere Pro CC, SpeedGrade CC,Prelude CC, and Adobe Media Encoder CC.
Featured News, Posted 18 Dec 2013

数字果汁推出有毒工具包单张动画图形为苹果运动, Sony Vegas, and Adobe Premiere Pro

这些匹配元素包括可定制的文本和视频项目段, animated backgrounds, 动画低三分之一和动画抹片(带声音效果)在全高清. 每组还包括一个匹配的高分辨率图层ps文件
Featured News, Posted 18 Dec 2013


佳能XA25和直播广播如何证明了一个直接和有效的没有混乱, 对于几乎没有准备时间或准备预算的一系列贸易会议的直播,没有大惊小怪的解决方案.
Featured Articles, Posted 18 Dec 2013


Featured News, Posted 16 Dec 2013

Matrox Announces Grass Valley EDIUS 7.21 NLE Support for MX02 LE and MXO2 Mini I/O Devices

EDIUS是一种经过验证的解决方案,适用于在广播新闻中从事快速周转生产的编辑, newsmagazine, and studio program content, 以及专业的视频编辑组织工作, documentary, and theatrical productions
Featured News, Posted 11 Dec 2013

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