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Tutorial: Creating Dynamic, Customizable Title Effects in Red Giant Universe 2.1

This tutorial runs through some of the highlights from the new Red Giant Universe 2.1插件包的效果和过滤器, working in After Effects because that's where so much ambitious title work happens.

10月快乐. 万圣节之月. 是时候讲恐怖故事和吃糖果了. 本教程是专门为这个月量身定做的. I'm going to run through some of the highlights from the new Red Giant Universe 2.1包效果和过滤器. 这些是为Adobe Premiere Pro和After Effects设计的. I'm working in After Effects because that's where generally people are going to do more ambitious title work. Everything that I'm going to show you here, with the exception of one effect, will be just titles. You’ll notice a couple of overarching themes here in the new updates for Universe. 其中之一是复古. 这里有很多80年代和90年代的主题. 在名字中也有很多对流行文化的致敬, 在它们的一些效果的风格上.


The first thing I wanted to do was come up with a fake documentary about the Bell Witch. 我住在田纳西州, where we have some well-known folklore about the Bell Witch in Middle Tennessee from the 19th century. I made up a title for a documentary that might be about that and I designed it to put some different spooky effects on my titles to give it some different looks. 我要做的第一件事就是拍摄一些镜头. I have some footage that I shot last year with a Blackmagic URSA mini. 它真的很好,丝绸般光滑,120fps的镜头. By itself it's not that freaky, but I applied some effects to make it a little scarier. You can see the original footage at the 1:30 mark in the tutorial video above.

This first clip is my wife dipping her hand in the water and then flicking water off. I think she and the kids were looking for some wildlife there. You can see it's a pretty normal shot here at the beginning--just somebody getting their hand wet and then flicking the water off. In order to make it a bit scarier, I applied one of the Noir Modern effects. 我选择了一个预设从宇宙. In 图1(下面),你可以在宇宙2中看到预设浏览器.1. It’s really awesome because it gives you a quick preview of each preset just by scrolling your mouse over it. I went with the Projector filter because it actually has a flickering light effect as if it's got an old bulb. 它也有一个小插图周围的边缘.

图1. Previewing the Projector preset from the Noir Modern effects in the Universe 2.1预置浏览器

I applied that noir effect to each one of my clips in succession on the timeline (a snake, 手在水里, 一只鸟飞到岩石上). One of the options you can change on this is the 18 frames-per-second option, 这让它看起来不一样. It actually creates almost a stuttering effect in your footage. I didn't like the way that looked with what I had because the slow motion looks good when it's smooth, 但它口吃的时候看起来真的很奇怪. 我让它保持原样.


然后我转向标题. 我编的纪录片的名字是《百家乐app下载》,,副标题是“田纳西恐怖的真实故事”.“在我给你们看的特效中,副标题没有改变. The first effect that I chose to use is the Ecto effect from Universe. Ecto为你提供了很多不同的选择. In 图2(下面), you can see pre-built ones that you can just click and immediately have available without any changes. Some of these are hard to read, like the Optical Glow in the limelight. 对于这个小衬线字体,它就消失了. 我必须选择更简单的东西. I started with Flame Outlines, which you can see in the top right of 图2. Then I made some changes to it to give the effect that I wanted.

图2. 选择Ecto效果的选项

Next I chose a Warm color preset, which you can find in the Inner Color pull-down menu shown in 图3(下面). You can also individually select specific colors if the options in the pull-down don’t give you the effect you want.

图3. 选择暖色预设

我做的另一件事是应用了一些关键帧. 你可以看到 图4(下面) 这种效应是如何从潮热开始的, 你不能真正读懂文字的地方, 然后冷却. It’s almost like a burst of flame and then the letters just kind of smolder and burn as it plays through.

图4. The Flame Outlines effect is keyframed so it looks different over time as the effect is applied.

The other thing I love is the fact that the text on the bottom actually affects the text above it, 如图4所示. The glow that's coming from the flames of these letters actually gets applied on top of The Bell Witch main title above it. 它在上面投下橙色的光. You can see before that title comes on I just have pure white text. 他们在一起相处得很好.

This tutorial walks viewers through a number of cool new effects, 转换, and text animation tools in Red Giant's omnibus plugin package, and shows how to navigate and customize the preset options available with each effect.