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Interview: Dan Maloney, Matrox

肖恩·林就流媒体创新奖得主MonarchHD采访了Matrox营销经理丹·马洛尼, a new professional streaming and recording appliance.

Streaming Capabilities

Shawn Lam: It's Shawn Lam for Streaming Media Producer. I'm here with Dan Maloney. 他是Matrox的市场经理,我们正在看Matrox Monarch HD. It's a professional streaming and recording appliance. What can you tell me about it?

Dan Maloney: 我们非常自豪地在展会上宣布这款产品. 正如你提到的,这是一个专业的流媒体和录音设备. A small, 独立的设备,让您采取HDMI源和流式传输到, you know, your CDN of choice or Flash server or Wowza server. 同样,您可以继续选择您想要达到您的受众的任何媒体服务器.

Recording Capabilities

Shawn: 所以这可能是来自HDMI输入的单个摄像机的输入,也可能是来自视频切换器的输入?

Dan: Correct. Video switcher, full production switcher. Again, 将它添加到任何生产基础设施的输出上,以便能够接触到流媒体受众,这将是很容易的. 现在,这个特殊产品的独特之处在于它不会止步于流媒体. What our philosophy is,if it's worth streaming, it's worth recording, but it's worth recording at the highest quality possible.

所以我们不会让你的上传带宽决定你的录音质量. 我们将有第二个通道,允许您在本地录制到USB驱动器或SD闪存卡, 甚至到本地映射的硬盘上的内容创建站,这样当你流媒体, you're independently recording at much higher bit rates.

Streaming and Recording Specs

Dan: From the spec side, we're looking at streaming at up to 20 megabits per second, and at the recording side, independently, you can be recording up to 30 megabits per second. The HDMI inputs allow for up 1080p60 inputs. On the streaming side, we can stream up to 1080/30 or 720p60, and on the recording side, again, we can record up to 1080p30. Both of those of are independent.

Controlling the Monarch

Dan: On the control side, 您可以连接到这个小型设备中的一个完整的Apache服务器. Any computer that sees the server’s IP address, you can go ahead and connect to that and control, 独立配置录音和流参数, set your streaming and recording targets, what drives you want to be recording to. And then you can control through the interface, record, stop recording and streaming independently, or synchronize if you so desire.

Codec Support

Shawn: What are the codecs that we're recording and streaming?

Dan: The world's all moved to H.264, 当然这就是我们在这个特殊情况下使用的编解码器的选择, both on the recording and on the streaming side. On the recording side, we're using MP4-wrapped files, 因此,几乎任何内容创建解决方案都可以本地读取该文件,并重新利用该文件进行一些事后编辑. Any web browser can be used to control the device. 您还可以同步多台君主设备,以便进行组队操作. 所以所有人都可以开始流媒体,所有人都可以同时开始录制.

Pricing is $995; availability is June 2013. 我们现在优化产品的方式是最小化延迟. 通过这种基础设施,获得反馈所需的时间比预期的要长. Those are the tweakings that prevent us from shipping today, because it's pretty rock solid right now, 如果你要做这种操作,实际的网络界面必须要快.

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