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如何发展内部视频能力, 第四部分:内容, 市场营销, and Engagement

In this 4th segment of our series on developing in-house video competency we'll look at content production and strategic issues surrounding it: How much content should could you be creating and what types?

内容创作是我最喜欢的话题, 是否满了, professional production or DIY/user-generated video, 或者介于两者之间. Everyone is trying to figure out how to do it well, one of the first steps in starting to do content creation well in a corporate or office environment is assembling the desktop setup we discussed in 本系列的第1部分 并在 这个数字. Although desktop-based video production provides a simple and straightforward way to get started (and one accessible to almost anyone with a laptop and a message to communicate) with internal video, your first in-house video setup doesn’t have to be a desktop. It could be anywhere in any room that provides an environment that fits your brand and the kind of videos that you want to create.



图1(下面) illustrates the range of content you could be creating in a comprehensive video strategy. It's not just about the one-hit wonder video--say, the corporate profile/identity video--it's about putting all of these pieces together. 你应该每天发布视频. 可能一天两次,或者三次. If you have a great video capture and creation system, you can work with people in multiple locations that can be producing content for you all the time, while you moderate and approve that content and push it out. Don't feel like you need to limit yourself to creating video within one team or a couple of people. Think bigger than that, and aim to create the range and breadth of content illustrated in 图1.

图1. Pieces of a comprehensive content strategy. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

How much video produce depends on what stage of adoption you're at. If you're sort of a newbie and just diving in, poking your toe into the pool and just trying to figure out what's this whole video thing about, 从每月制作一个视频开始(下面的图2). Think about an editorial calendar that defines what you produce each month. Then ask yourself, what are the elements of video and the content that you’re going to be creating?

图2. 视频采用的各个阶段.

This final installment of our 5-part series on in-house video is focused on outsourcing. What functions or roles should you consider to outsource to vendors after you bring much of your video competency and production in-house?
In this segment of our 5-part series on best practices for in-house video operations, we'll focus on cloud-based technologies for multi-point content creation and distribution.
In this second segment of our 5-part series on best practices for developing an in-house video operation at your organization, we'll look at staffing needs and the level of 投资 you should anticipate as you build your video program.
在这个由五部分组成的系列中, we'll examine all the elements you need to consider when developing an in-house video competency at your business or organization, 从第1部分的工作室设置开始, 然后是人员配置, 投资, 准备,, 内容和营销策略, and concluding with the elements of a video publishing program that you should continue to outsource.