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Content Delivery at the Edge in 2020

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彼得Chave: Edge compute is kind of an emerging topic. Akamai网络的有趣之处在于,它一直是一个边缘网络. We've always been very deep on that at the last mile, 所以我们在边缘有功能,你可以称之为边缘计算, but we never really labeled it that. 我们有一种叫做高级元数据的东西,这是一种巨大的脚本工程能力. We can put an awful lot of custom functionality into that, which will then execute literally on that first hop. 所以在设备离开到得到的最初几毫秒里, 然后,我们就可以实时决定我们要为哪些舱单提供服务. 在这种网络充满挑战的时代,尽早尝试过滤掉请求是非常重要的. 所以我们不会把压力推到对等网络上.

所以现在我们把它演变成一个叫做edge worker的功能,这是一个通用的JavaScript引擎. So you can put little bits of JavaScript right out on the edge. So you don't want to have to learn our language; you can just write generic JavaScript. But then we're looking further back up the site. Do we deploy things like generic Kubernetes containers? And where does that functionality sit down the stack, 特别是当5G网络开放时,我们的边缘会突然出现巨大的容量? The edge moves further out at this point.

So as a developer writing software, 特别是如果你是为媒体、物联网或安全而写的, where you put bits of functionality, 我肯定不会把所有东西都放在数据中心, and then a little bit here. 现在我有了这个连续的计算,我如何聚合信息或者决定我把东西放在哪里. 它需要一种与我们今天看到的一些事情截然不同的心态. 所以很好,我们只是在这些新应用中触及表面.

蒂姆Siglin: You mentioned the challenging times we're in. Everybody sort of came into 2020 thinking, "I'm running a marathon, doing well in the marathon of video delivery.“突然间,我们被要求在中间进行两公里的冲刺. What's the impact, then, on the CDN?

彼得Chave: So if you actually look at the traffic, it was from about the end of February into mid-March and then from, mid-March is when it kicked in. 基本上就是, as countries started going into lockdown and we started staying in, 我们确实看到了, in a one-month period, a whole year's worth of growth, 这是来自CDN方面的好消息——我相信对吉姆和尼尔来说都是如此——偶数年份通常是大年份,因为有太多的体育赛事. So we were gearing up for Olympics. We were gearing up for UAE, 对于所有这些我们认为会在2020年发生的重大事件, that didn't actually happen. So there was actually a lot of build-out of capacity. It wasn't like we suddenly hit a wall. 我们只是消耗了很多原本计划在今年晚些时候使用的产能, sooner than we had anticipated. So in that respect the networks held up very well.

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