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流媒体 West '15: Yahoo Takes the NFL Global

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10月, 伦敦温布利体育场举办了一场布法罗比尔队和杰克逊维尔美洲虎队之间的比赛,这是第一场NFL比赛,在球队本土市场之外,通过OTT在全球范围内独家转播, with no viewing restrictions. Yahoo delivered the stream, 该公司的PPS Narayan和Omer Luzzatti向流媒体西部的主题听众介绍了NFL和雅虎共同努力的决定,以实现这一全球体验.

纳拉扬首先关注了直播游戏背后的商业策略, before Luzzatti went into some of the technical details. 纳拉扬指出,几乎所有在美国举行的NFL比赛都会迅速成为该国排名第一的体育赛事. 超级碗吸引了1.2亿观众,但即使是常规比赛也有很高的收视率.

"In last year’s fall line up, 45 of the 50 most-watched shows were NFL games,纳拉扬说, 电视上观看人数最多的前20个节目都是NFL比赛."

Narayan then stated the case for Yahoo, 作为NFL的合作伙伴,向仅限OTT的观众转播这场历史性的比赛. Yahoo has more than one billion users, it hosts a number of the top sports franchises, has a global sales reach for e-commercie, and is known as a technical innovator in the online industry.

“当美国国家橄榄球联盟找到我们,问我们是否愿意在10月25日参加比赛时, we were super excited,纳拉扬说. "We had about four months to prepare for the event."

Dubbed the first ever global live stream of an NFL game, 纳拉扬说,NFL和雅虎都有一个目标,那就是吸引全世界的观众. 除了, 雅虎希望扩大NFL在海外可能无法获得的观众.

"We didn’t want to make the user experience as good as TV, we wanted to make it better than TV,纳拉扬说.

The show used the Twitter hashtag #WatchWithTheWorld, and the hashtag became the number three tag on Twitter, and was number one globally on Instagram.

What were the results? 据纳拉扬称,雅虎拥有3300万流媒体,拥有1500万独立观众. 在全球185个国家,约有33%的观众(约500万独立观众)观看了这款游戏.

What about the quality? Yahoo delivered 720p at 60 frames per second at up to 6.7 mbps. 此外,雅虎声称该游戏的重新缓冲比率不到美国的一半.S. desktop ratio (0.6% rebuffering for Yahoo versus the industry standard of 1.4% for desktops).

 Luzzatti then took the stage, sharing how the stream was delivered, 包括三个关键的自适应比特率(ABR)指标:缓冲比率, average bitrate, and player start times.


Luzzatti then took the audience through the way that ABR works, comparative to the network bandwidth availability. He showed a popular ABR technology, 注意到它的缓冲意味着它既落后于网络可用性,也会在网络大幅向下波动时阻塞.

相比之下, while Luzzatti said there is still work to be done, 他展示了雅虎内部构建的ABR如何比大多数直播活动使用的更受欢迎的ABR更好地处理网络波动. Recovery was stronger in Yahoo’s ABR technology, ABR能够比比较ABR技术更快地接近可用带宽.

除了, Luzzatti随后谈到了“视频路由策略服务器”的使用,它规定了给定播放器将接收的实际流的范围, as well as which CDN a particular player is recommended to use. Yahoo used an example of five player sizes, 首先是在雅虎邮箱中设置一个小窗口,让正在发送电子邮件的用户能够追踪游戏.

Luzzatti指出,没有理由为了这么小的窗口而达到6Mbps, which would be around the size of 200x300 pixels, so the policy server would allow ABR rates up to 1Mbps.

总而言之,有5种播放器大小,以及14种设备和操作系统类型的配置文件. As part of the challenge by the technical committee, 雅虎为一些设备提供了每秒60帧的数据,但不是所有设备. 再一次。, the policy server was of benefit here, 允许决定是否使用60fps或30fps.

除了 the browsers also needed to be addressed. Yahoo chose five browsers to focus on—Chome, 火狐, Internet Explorer, 歌剧, 以及七个地理区域,这些区域是由雅虎在伦敦奥运会上合作的CDN合作伙伴决定的.

在最高峰时,Yahoo与7个cdn合作提供了7tb的数据. 在游戏早期的某一时刻,一根光纤被切断,所以一个CDN被从混合中取出. Other issues arose with several CDNs, and Luzzatti said that “all in all, 我们在整个游戏过程中出现了29个问题”,但只有两个问题造成了重大影响.

最后, Luzzatti指出,从伦敦到雅虎前端的传输需要冗余:雅虎接收两个卫星流和两个基于光纤的流, meaning redundancy of both fiber and satellite streams.

All decision were managed from an executive decision center, 直接连接到控制室和雅虎的制作工作室.

纳拉扬说:“整个公司以及我们的一些合作伙伴都团结在一起. “为NFL提供这个OTT活动是我们的共同努力."

“我们相信这是一次巨大的成功,”一位NFL高管在纳拉扬的幻灯片上说. “我必须把所有的功劳都归功于雅虎,他们在这款游戏上做得非常出色."

"What did we prove?纳拉扬问. "The NFL has a global audience, and Yahoo has a global reach. 展望未来, 我们认为将会有越来越多的此类仅限ott的活动,而雅虎将推动其中的一些活动."


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