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MediaPlatform - View From The Top 2017

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A Strategy for Transitioning From Flash Video

The announced end of Flash Video will force most organizations to consider a change in content delivery strategy. The good news is there will be little difficulty finding a Flash Video alternative. But transitioning to that alternative presents the real challenge.

The challenge is threefold: i) Many organizations already rely so heavily on streaming media that extended downtimes required to achieve the “perfect” implementation are not realistic; ii) The transition likely requires an upgrade to the browsers across the organization, which could prove gradual and unpredictable; and iii) The new solution, like its predecessors, will take time and tweaking to achieve high reliability.

Rather than fear or fight these challenges, organizations can embrace them. And that is exactly what a Unified Video Player sets out to do by simultaneously supporting legacy Flash delivery as well as HTML5 - effectively supporting whatever content shows up - as opposed to forcing an either/or approach.

There are several benefits of this flexible strategy. IT has the luxury of rolling out a replacement infrastructure at its own pace and regardless of the ratio of Flash and non-Flash streams, the viewers will be successful. Additionally, the player will be able to return potentially critical analytics to help assess format success, reliability and scalability. Finally, a Unified Video Player provides a relatively low-risk method for IT to fine-tune their infrastructure without viewer failure. Whereas a more restrictive approach to format support creates many layers of risk, in the Unified Video Player model, it represents highly beneficial redundancy.

So don’t worry. Despite some complexities, with the right approach to transitioning from Flash Video to HTML5, challenges and impediments can quickly be transformed into strengths and benefits.

-Mike Newman - MediaPlatform

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